Pretty Good Privacy

Key transition in progress! I am transitioning away from my rsa2048 key with fingerprint F69A FC03 593F 5D86 6B74 8D90 8BDE AA59 5278 4983, see my key transition statement.

You can retrieve or refresh my public keys via Web Key Directory using

gpg --auto-key-locate clear,nodefault,wkd --locate-external-keys [email protected]

Alternatively, you may also use

gpg --fetch-keys

to import my public keys into your keyring, or first download my public keys and then invoke

gpg --import pub.asc

Don’t forget to refresh the keys from time to time to get the most up-to-date signatures and expiry information by re-importing them or by calling gpg --auto-key-locate clear,nodefault,wkd --locate-external-keys [email protected]

RSA-4096 key

My primary OpenPGP RSA key is:

pub   rsa4096/0x7897A02627442D94 2018-02-06 [ESCA]
      Key fingerprint = 42B0 CA00 0C25 A006 C97A  A0E4 7897 A026 2744 2D94
                        "Four Two Bravo Zero  Charlie Alfa Zero Zero
                         Zero Charlie Two Five  Alfa Zero Zero Six
                         Charlie Niner Seven Alfa  Alfa Zero Echo Four
                         Seven Eight Niner Seven  Alfa Zero Two Six
                         Two Seven Four Four  Two Delta Niner Four"

You may download the key as described above, or import that key from a public keyserver by calling

gpg --recv-keys 42B0CA000C25A006C97AA0E47897A02627442D94

or scanning

QR code for OPENPGP4FPR:42B0CA000C25A006C97AA0E47897A02627442D94

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Ed25519 key

My primary OpenPGP ed25519 key is:

pub   ed25519/0xC21FF9FDC87AA96F 2018-02-18 [ESCA]
      Key fingerprint = E93F DB81 84AE 241C 345C  E235 C21F F9FD C87A A96F
                        "Echo Niner Three Foxtrot  Delta Bravo Eight One
                         Eight Four Alfa Echo  Two Four One Charlie
                         Three Four Five Charlie  Echo Two Three Five
                         Charlie Two One Foxtrot  Foxtrot Niner Foxtrot Delta
                         Charlie Eight Seven Alfa  Alfa Niner Six Foxtrot"

You may download the key as described above, or import that key from a public keyserver by calling

gpg --recv-keys E93FDB8184AE241C345CE235C21FF9FDC87AA96F

or scanning

QR code for OPENPGP4FPR:E93FDB8184AE241C345CE235C21FF9FDC87AA96F

Note that you need at least GnuPG 2.1 for handling ECC keys.

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Debian signing key

This is my OpenPGP rsa2048 key that I currently use for maintaining Debian packages:

pub   rsa2048/0x8BDEAA5952784983 2010-03-06 [ESC]
      Key fingerprint = F69A FC03 593F 5D86 6B74  8D90 8BDE AA59 5278 4983
                        "Foxtrot Six Niner Alfa  Foxtrot Charlie Zero Three
                         Five Niner Three Foxtrot  Five Delta Eight Six
                         Six Bravo Seven Four  Eight Delta Niner Zero
                         Eight Bravo Delta Echo  Alfa Alfa Five Niner
                         Five Two Seven Eight  Four Niner Eight Three"

I’m currently transitioning away from this key towards the former two keys:

  • 42B0 CA00 0C25 A006 C97A A0E4 7897 A026 2744 2D94 and
  • E93F DB81 84AE 241C 345C E235 C21F F9FD C87A A96F.

Note that F69A FC03 593F 5D86 6B74 8D90 8BDE AA59 5278 4983 will continue to be valid for some time.

You may download the key as described above, or import that key from a public keyserver by calling

gpg --recv-keys F69AFC03593F5D866B748D908BDEAA5952784983

or scanning

QR code for OPENPGP4FPR:F69AFC03593F5D866B748D908BDEAA5952784983

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